Monday, September 8, 2008

It's like never

Why am I saying this?
My internet connection has been down for almost the whole day until the sun sets.
I've contact "TmNet" technical department at 8.45a.m. and what did they asked me to do?
"Hello Mr,please connect your this that this that and this and that".
I told him that my connection was fine last night and there's no changes done except the connection!
At 5p.m.,I make the call again."Have you try out the direct connection?"
Why why why?They like direct connection so much?Come on man,can you guys please be more efficient?
"I've received news from our technical department that connection in your area is currently down,please try again tomorrow morning ... or maybe afternoon,thank you"
What the?Come on man,are you guys getting free-pay?
Yeah finally,I tried again on 6.30p.m. and it works.

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