Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's Ordinary

The 3rd day (Mid-term Examination)

I've used to it,last minute study,I made my preparation an hour before the exams!It was kinda rushing.Me and my friends went into the hall and I was like,"Dammit! How am I going to do the paper?".After doing some calculation for an hour,people start walking out.I was nervous about how am I going to finish to get myself out as soon as possible.Few minutes later,Fuji sent me a sms and I forget to silence my phone..I sounded like "You and me.......from one world" and everyone turned over and look at me.I tossed my phone on the ground as soon as possible to avoid the worst situation.One of the instructor came to me and said,"Pick up your phone,*I did*..Switch off your phone" and ..he is gone" Phew!It was a tiring day.I was laying on my bed from 7 .30p.m. and when I woke up I realized it was 12.45a.m.

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